The Route

The Frog Whitton route starts and finishes in Grasmere and follows a similar journey to the Fred Whitton cycle route. There are 9 legs with a total distance of 102 miles, 96 miles of cycling and 6 miles of swimming. The longest swim is 2 miles.


Leg 1: Bike

(18 miles, 1900 feet)

Grasmere car park - Ambleside - Holbeck Lane - Kirkstone Pass - Glenridding Steamers car park

Transition 1

Glenridding Steamers Car Park

Leg 2: Swim

Ullswater (2 miles)

Beach at Glenridding Steamers Car Park to beach at Air Force / Matterdale Junction

Beach near Ullswater steamer terminal at Aira Force

Car Park: Aira Force National Trust

Transition 2

Leg 3: Bike

(15 miles, 1200 feet)

Aira Force / Matterdale Junc - Matterdale End - A66 - 1st exit to Keswick - Theatre by the Lake - Derwentwater beach

Transition 3

Theatre by the Lake car park, Keswick

Leg 4: Swim

(2 miles)

Derwentwater beach at Theatre by the lake - Beach at Kettlewell National Trust car park

Transition 4

Beach at Kettlewell National Trust Car Park

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Leg 5: Bike

(11 miles, 1300 feet)

Kettlewell NT Car park - Honister Pass - Buttermere -

Crummockwater South Beach

Transition 5

Layby at Crummockwater South beach


Leg 6: Swim

(1.5 miles)

Crummock water south beach to Fletchers Fields layby

(swim exit is quite hard to find from the lakeshore)

Transition 6

Fletcher’s Fields Layby (Limited Parking)

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Leg 7: Bike

51 miles (5,600 feet)

Crummockwater (Fletcher’s Fields layby) - Loweswater - Lamplugh - Croasdale - Ennerdale Bridge - Cold Fell - Calder Bridge - Gosforth - Eskdale Green - Hardknott Pass - Wrynose Pass - Blea Tarn - Chapel Stile, Clappersgate - Under Loughrigg road - Pelter Bridge car park, Rydal.

Pelter Bridge Car park, Rydal

Transition 7

Leg 8: Swim

(0.5 miles)

Rydal water swim - beach to tree at Grasmere end

Gate on main road

Park at White Moss Car park (200m further on)

Transition 8

Leg 9: Bike

(1.5 miles)

Rydal water exit - Grasmere car park. FINISH!!!!